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Knowing The Difference

Caregivers vs Carefluencers'

A "caregiver" provides direct care and support to another individual, often in a professional or personal capacity, such as caring for a family member or working in a healthcare setting.

On the other hand, a "carefluencer" is a more modern term that refers to individuals who use social media and digital platforms to share their experiences, advice, and insights related to caregiving, health, and wellness.

super abilities


Special People

It's essential for those with special needs to have caregivers like you with specialized skills. In the US, 1 in 4 households includes a member with disabilities. Last year, 43.5 million adults provided unpaid care, supporting both adults and children with special needs. The U.S. Census Bureau data shows the significant presence of disabilities in American households



A Thank You

We honor the brave individuals serving in the military, which currently consists of approximately 1.3 million active-duty personnel. Let us recognize the unwavering dedication and sacrifice of these courageous men and women who stand ready to protect our nation at a moment's notice. Their commitment to preserving our freedoms and safeguarding our way of life is a testament to their bravery and selflessness. 



4-Legged Family

We understand the unique challenges faced by pet caregivers like you. That's why we provide innovative solutions and products to make caring for your furry family easier and more enjoyable. 80% of pet caregivers report feeling overwhelmed at some point, with 90% stating that they would appreciate more support and resources. We are here to walk alongside you every step of the way.

Hand with marker writing the word You Have a Voice

Tell Everyone

Carefluencers we want to hear from you! What social media platform do you enjoy advocating for caregiving causes? What offers of advice, and support, do you feel caregivers need? 

Join the carefluence discussions!

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Carefluencers' Community

According to the

‘Carefluencers’ Are Helping Older Loved Ones, and Posting About It


In today's digital age, a new breed of influencers has emerged, known as Carefluencers. These passionate individuals harness the power of social media and digital platforms not for personal gain, but to champion caregiving causes that touch the lives of millions. Through engaging content, insightful advice, and heartfelt advocacy, Carefluencers are making a significant impact. They offer not just assistance and direction to those navigating the complex world of healthcare and caregiving yet, they provide a beacon of hope and understanding.

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By shedding light on crucial healthcare subjects, from mental health awareness to the intricacies of elder care, Carefluencers are breaking down barriers, demystifying stigmas, and fostering a supportive online community. Their work transcends traditional advocacy by creating a space where information is accessible, and empathy and support are abundant. Through their dedicated efforts, Carefluencers are not only changing the conversation around health and caregiving but are also empowering individuals and families with the knowledge and resources they need to thrive.